• Want to takeover a smaller brewery? Here's the latest carrot to dangle...

  • When buying beer, it's always best to look twice. Just in case...

  • Edinburgh has a new taproom - courtesy of Leith's Campervan Brewery

  • When Big Beer met RateBeer. But why exactly did AB InBev buy a stake in the rating site?

Edinburgh's beer website

Luckie Ales: Journey’s End and New Beginnings

Luckie Ales: Journey’s End and New Beginnings

Jan 18, 2017
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“I wish I had started brewing 10 years earlier,” Stuart told me. “I would have been able to sell a five barrel brewery by now and had a few employees to do the grunt work. As it is I’ll carry on home-brewing – there are a lot of old ales to brew, especially the stronger […]

H41: Heineken go to the Ends of the Earth

H41: Heineken go to the Ends of the Earth

Jan 16, 2017
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Anyway, H41 has two interesting things going for it, as I see it. Heineken used naturally occurring South American yeast sequenced by biologist Diego Libkind of the National University of Comahue, Neuquén. Believed to be the ‘mother yeast’ of lager yeast this can be found in the wilds quietly living attached to the side of […]

Beer of the Week – Swannay Old Norway

Beer of the Week – Swannay Old Norway

Jan 13, 2017

Time to kick off the work shoes and lace up those drinking boots – Friday has rolled around again. Last week I began a new series, shining a light on unsung Scottish beers that deserve to be in your cupboard or fridge (or cupboard, fridge and then glass). Seven days ago I started things off […]

Looking Ahead – Beer Predictions for 2017
Beer of the Week – Fyne Ales Highlander

Beer of the Week – Fyne Ales Highlander

Jan 6, 2017

There is so much amazing beer out there now – it is all but impossible to track down everything released and still fully enjoy it (ask the RateBeer guys – you can do one but not both). Even if you just stick to the output of a single region or city it can be tough […]

Breweries to watch out for in 2017

Breweries to watch out for in 2017

Jan 5, 2017

Here we are, staring bleary-eyed at another year having rolled around. 2016 saw lean times on the BeerCast in terms of writing, but there was more than ever going on in the world of brewing in the UK. As this is now the tenth year I have been writing about beer, that is more than […]

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