Lovibonds Brewery on the brink
Establishing, operating and – with time – growing a brewery is a tough task, with unforeseen problems rearing their head at will. Irrespective of whether the recent boom in craft beer is sustainable or not, the everyday pressures of running a small business can leave some producers skating on thin ice through no fault of […]

So Carlsberg had eyes on…the London Fields Brewery?
A couple of months ago the Morning Advertiser revealed that Carlsberg UK had plans to buyout a British craft brewery to bolster their beery credentials, helping their portfolio make the leap from fickle lagerboys to dedicated followers of the one true beer faith. At the time, it caused a fair bit of mildly fevered speculation […]

Breweries to watch out for in 2017
Here we are, staring bleary-eyed at another year having rolled around. 2016 saw lean times on the BeerCast in terms of writing, but there was more than ever going on in the world of brewing in the UK. As this is now the tenth year I have been writing about beer, that is more than […]

Mondo Brewing Company, and the Joy of Taprooms
So what do you want from the perfect taproom? A spur of the moment visit to one in south London summed that up perfectly for me. Mondo Brewing Company are based in Battersea, and on a recent Wednesday night opening their taproom door was rewarded with a completely empty room and the entire Mondo staff […]

Breweries to watch out for in 2016
So the final ‘best of last year/look out for this year’ post has rolled around again – stretching the whole thing out into February. It’s the annual list of 10 Scottish and English beermakers who are going to have breakout years, or will otherwise be interesting to watch, to see how they get on. This […]

Cloudwater – ‘We don’t have a message. We have human beings’
It would have to be meditative, the music playing over the sound system at the Cloudwater Brewery in Manchester. Even the doorbell sounds like a jazz clarinet, but the ambience inside the brewing facility on the Piccadilly Trading Estate is made harmonious and mellow by the choice of tunes leaking softly from the PA system. […]