Beer Trends for 2019

Beer Trends for 2019

Jan 22, 2019
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So, after several months of inactivity here (caused by a whole host of activity thanks to a new arrival) I figure I should get back into the swing of things and kickstart the BeerCast for another year. From now on I’ll be concentrating solely on Scottish beer and brewing, trying to bring more of the […]

Beer Trends for 2018

Beer Trends for 2018

Mar 5, 2018
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It’s been a while but after a couple of months distanced from my fifty-two beer year (although in truth I managed a lot more than 52) it’s back to the grindstone with this, a look ahead into 2018 and a few trends I think will become apparent over the course of the year. As ever […]

Beer of the Week – Swannay Orkney Imperial Stout

Beer of the Week – Swannay Orkney Imperial Stout

Dec 29, 2017
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So, the series ends here. All throughout 2017 I have been trying to cast a light on some of the beers produced by Scottish breweries that I feel deserve a little more attention. Whether they are under-appreciated, modern classics or just plain flying under the radar, every week I have listed a new entrant that […]

Beer of the Week – Williams Bros Nollaig

Beer of the Week – Williams Bros Nollaig

Dec 22, 2017
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Not long to go with the year-long journey through the most unsung beers Scotland produces – so with just two left it’s time to roll out the big guns. Next Friday the series concludes with the single Scottish beer I consider to be the most under-rated; but before that there’s time to fit in a […]

Beer of the Week – Stewart Cauld Reekie

Beer of the Week – Stewart Cauld Reekie

Dec 15, 2017
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Just three more Fridays remain in 2017, so time for the final few selections in my great under-rated Scottish beers feature. It’s been quite a haul, in both senses of the word, but here we are – only three more spaces to fill with unsung heroes of Scottish brewing. To be honest this feature could […]

Beer of the Week – Six Degrees North Hop Classic

Beer of the Week – Six Degrees North Hop Classic

Dec 8, 2017
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Friday is here again so there’s just a single item of business to take care of before the weekend can begin. Another recommendation from yours truly of a single beer that I believe is currently flying under the radar and deserves a little more recognition. With so many new beers appearing on the Scottish scene […]

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