Beer of the Week – Swannay Orkney Imperial Stout
So, the series ends here. All throughout 2017 I have been trying to cast a light on some of the beers produced by Scottish breweries that I feel deserve a little more attention. Whether they are under-appreciated, modern classics or just plain flying under the radar, every week I have listed a new entrant that […]

Beer of the Week – Williams Bros Nollaig
Not long to go with the year-long journey through the most unsung beers Scotland produces – so with just two left it’s time to roll out the big guns. Next Friday the series concludes with the single Scottish beer I consider to be the most under-rated; but before that there’s time to fit in a […]

Beer of the Week – Stewart Cauld Reekie
Just three more Fridays remain in 2017, so time for the final few selections in my great under-rated Scottish beers feature. It’s been quite a haul, in both senses of the word, but here we are – only three more spaces to fill with unsung heroes of Scottish brewing. To be honest this feature could […]

Beer of the Week – Six Degrees North Hop Classic
Friday is here again so there’s just a single item of business to take care of before the weekend can begin. Another recommendation from yours truly of a single beer that I believe is currently flying under the radar and deserves a little more recognition. With so many new beers appearing on the Scottish scene […]

Beer of the Week – BrewDog Jack Hammer
The week ending is a sign that you should reach for your beer collection and toast the completion of another five days of hard graft (assuming you work Monday-Friday and actually do some graft, that is). But the question is, what to reach for? With dozens of new Scottish beers hitting the shelves recently it […]

Beer of the Week – Cross Borders Porter
Friday is with us once again and that can mean only one thing. It’s time to hit the town. But if you’re saving yourself and that extra-special Christmas jumper for the host of December parties, maybe just hit the town and pick up a single beer to drink at home. Yes it’s another unsung beer […]