Beer of the Week – Tempest Easy Living Pils
As we are now into the second month of the year, it is time for the fifth in my series of fifty-two unsung Scottish beers that need to be in your viewfinder if you’ve never managed to try them before. So far as January ran its course we have had beers from Fyne Ales, Swannay, […]

Craft Beer and the Dangers of Self-Parody
Hype. Momentum. Passion. For better or worse, these are all things that craft beer needs to gain to eke further into the mainstream of the UK beer culture. It’s happening; tickets for craft beer festivals are selling out faster than ever, new releases are being hoovered up on beer-toting websites quicker than they can be […]

Beer of the Week – Traquair House Ale
Time to turn the attention towards a single beer for the week-ending post looking at one of the classic Scottish examples you should try (if you haven’t already). Since starting in the first week of the year I’ve highlighted three unsung heroes of Scottish brewing – Fyne Ales Highlander, Swannay Old Norway and Broughton Old […]

Honesty is the Best Policy
A couple of weeks ago I quickly jotted down a few trends that I think might start to become more prominent in 2017 – but one I missed off the list is something else that has come to light recently, and it’s one of the most welcome trends I can remember for a while. Breweries, […]

2016 – The Year Scottish Brewing Changed Forever
Breweries Opening in Scotland (by year)(since 2010) 2010 – 6 2011 – 10 2012 – 15 2013 – 9 2014 – 22 2015 – 20 2016 – 35 I remember back in 2012 when those 15 new breweries appeared on the scene, thinking it was quite an astonishing figure. And now here we are four […]

Beer of the Week – Broughton Old Jock
As it’s Friday again, let’s power up the spotlight and point it at another in my series of 52 unsung Scottish beers to try. There are so many amazing new things on offer north of the border, but whilst the brewing scene here continues to go from strength to strength it means the classics are […]