B.E.E.R.S. in Tokyo
Sooner or later everyone who writes about beer is asked one of two questions; ”What’s your favourite beer?” or ”How did you get into beer?” (the usual responses being ‘I can’t say’ and ‘I can’t remember’). The first question is tricky because it changes on a weekly – or if you’re particularly dedicated – daily […]
Back of the cupboard
We’ve been considering for a while the idea of recording a podcast involving canned beer rather than bottled – although we’ve not managed one as yet. In late 2007 I was in Japan and picked up four cans of interesting-looking jibiru with a view to recording our first ever canned episode. But it always seemed […]
BeerCast #18 – Sakura Beers
BeerCast #18 – Sakura Beers. Our second Japanese BeerCast follows the same pattern as the first, after one of our panellists returns from the Far East with a clinking suitcase. It was Grooben who was lucky enough to visit Japan this time, so sharing the spoils of his trip are Richard, Shovels and Andy. Also today we discuss trains, seal-inspired doomsday cults, and we break out our little men…
1. Sapporo Premium Lager (4.7%)
2. Landbeer Kaori No Yutakana (5.0%)
3. Kyoto Machiya Kölnisch (5.0%)
4. Ishikawa Tama no Meguri (5.5%)
www.thebeercast.com thebeercast@gmail.com @thebeercast
BeerCast #7 – Turning Japanese
BeerCast #7 – Turning Japanese. Hajimemashite! Watashi wa BeerCast desu! Our seventh podcast looks to the East after panellist Richard visited Japan. As we’re never off duty, beers were sourced and our panel gets to grips with the results. Also on the panel today – Shovels, Andy, and a debut appearance for Grooben. Irasshaimase!
1. Yebisu Premium (5.0%)
2. Baird Angry Boy Brown Ale (6.2%)
3. Hitachino Nest Sweet Stout (4.0%)
4. Aji Minoh Seasonal Beer (5.5%)
www.thebeercast.com thebeercast@gmail.com @thebeercast
Tokyo IPA tasting
Another week, another BeerCast fieldtrip – although it’s pretty tough to compare Birmingham and Tokyo. After all, one of them is a glittering, fast-paced neon metropolis packed with exuberance and incredible food – and the other is the capital of Japan (you must have seen that one coming). On a recent visit to the far […]