Beer of the Week – Williams Bros Profanity Stout
Friday is here so that brings with it another beer recommendation from yours truly. Each and every weekend this year will be kicked off with a Scottish beer I think is flying under the radar and needs just a little bit more love – because we have so much incredible beer up here, sometimes the truly great ones can get lost. So here’s another tip for you – as we swing into October, it’s stout time.
Mind you, it’s always stout time in Scotland. I don’t think there’s a style that a part of the UK does better than Scotland and stouts. There are nearly ten in my list already, for evidence – and the next beer to join them might just be the best of all. Williams Bros are no stranger to making dark beers, and they are so prolific that it’s inevitable some are arrived at later rather than sooner. But when it comes to Profanity Stout, all roads should lead towards it.
39. Profanity Stout (7.0%)
Williams Bros, Alloa
Style: Stout
330ml bottle
Pick it up here:
At Williams Bros’s online shop (as individual 330ml bottles)
This is a real sneaky one. It certainly doesn’t hit you like a 7% ABV beer should, which is quite something. However you should get a fair idea of its advertised strength from the sheer variety of flavours it fires at you, one after the other. Coffee and liquorice. Dark red fruits and salted caramel. Roasted malt and flowery hops. It’s a masterpiece of blending different elements into an overall whole. Profanity Stout is every bit as good as the sum of its parts and an absolute shoe-in for one of the best beers to come out of Scotland this decade.
Beer of the Week Series:
1. Fyne Ales Highlander
2. Swannay Old Norway
3. Broughton Old Jock
4. Traquair House Ale
5. Tempest Easy Livin Pils
6. Cromarty Brewed Awakening
7. Fallen Chew Chew
8. Black Isle Hibernator
9. Isle of Skye Red
10. Harviestoun Old Engine Oil Engineer’s Reserve
11. Orkney Skull Splitter
12. Windswept Wolf
13. Kelburn Dark Moor
14. Alechemy 5ive Sisters
15. Loch Ness Light Ness
16. St Andrews Eighty Bob
17. Harviestoun The Ridge
18. Orkney Dark Island
19. Williams Bros Seven Giraffes
20. Cairngorm Black Gold
21. Strathaven Craigmill Mild
22. Black Isle Red Kite
23. Spey Valley Spey Stout
24. Top Out Schmankerl
25. Cross Borders Braw
26. Williams Bros Midnight Sun
27. BrewDog Kingpin
28. Fyne Ales Hurricane Jack
29. Deeside MacBeth
30. Drygate Ax Man Red Rye IPA
31. Swannay Orkney Session
32. Fallen Platform C
33. Black Isle Porter
34. Top Out Altbier
35. Black Metal Gates of Valhalla
36. Fierce Beer Cranachan Killer
37. Loch Lomond Southern Summit
38. Tempest Old Parochial