Tripel Whammy
We need to talk about beer styles. Or specifically, one in particular. I’ve been lucky enough to notch up pretty much all of the world’s great beer styles over time – and some of those that are best forgotten. This is all part and parcel of living amidst the modern wonders of craft beer. You […]

Flower Power
Hipsters and craft beer – they go together like…artisan peanut butter and jelly made from a fruit you’ve never heard of. That modern conjoining of the pejorative group du jour and the ultimate in beery buzzwords. All you have to do is Google Image search the first four words of this paragraph and you’ll be […]
FABPOW! – Boon Geuze / Cadbury Creme Egg
The other day, whilst idly mopping up the remnants of another of Cadbury’s seasonal snacks, I began to wonder about potential beer pairings involving Creme Eggs. As pretty much any foodstuff can be complemented with a malt-forward beverage, why not the pinnacle of Easter treats? Searching around for the ideal companion to what Wikipedia calls […]
Alcohol free Hoegaarden?
Brewing behemoth AB-InBev have been in the news a fair bit recently – probably understandable given they control 25% of the world’s beer (in terms of market share). At the end of last month they purchased Goose Island for a shade under $39m, dipping a gold-encrusted toe in the formerly unsullied craft beer waters. At […]
How to get women drinking beer?
One of the great issues facing British brewers and beer marketers is how to get more women drinking real ale. This is happening gradually, but still the majority of beery types are men with beards who spend too much time indoors of an evening. Casting a glance down our BeerCast panellist mugshots does little to […]