Coffee beers for UK Coffee Week
This week, amongst other things, is UK Coffee Week. Running until Sunday, it’s a celebration of all things jitterbean-related, and acts as a platform for Project Waterfall – a scheme, run in partnership with Water Aid, which aims to bring clean drinking water to some of the poorest coffee-growing regions of Africa. I only started […]

Spreadable beer – is drinking passé?
Spreadable beer – yes, that thing you never knew you needed, is here. Well, it’s in Selfridges, at least – at £7.99 for a 280g jar. A Italian collaboration between brewer Emauela Laurenzi and chocolatier Pietro Napoleone, they essentially seem to have turned two sorts of beer (one light, one dark) into creamy pastes that […]

Newcastle Brown Ale ice cream – a step too far?
It may have been released back in 2003, but strangely it took a short break to Sweden for me to finally cross paths with Newcastle Brown Ale ice cream. “This will totally blow your mind,” says the bloke who hands it to me at the Stockholm Beer and Whisky Festival. Dressed as a 1950’s ice-cream […]