BeerCast #1 Lineup (again)

Posted by on May 27, 2007 in Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Early BeerCasters, circa 1890

I know I’ve said this before – but we’re really almost there with the podcast. At this time, we’ve actually recorded Episode 1, Episode 2, re-recorded Episode 1, and now done Episode 4. Thanks to various bits and pieces that need put together to unleash our shaky words into the podosphere, we’re running a bit behind. However – and this is a promise – our first BeerCast podcast will be up on iTunes by the end of this week. Probably. We’re going to start with the second episode, myself and Shovels talking about three Scottish 80/- beers, so once we’ve finished writing the blog post, and taken photos, and edited, and designed a logo, it will be up…

In better news, we had our first reader email – which we’ll read out on our debut episode, of course – and our beer panel has increased to over ten contributors. As we may have said, some are spread all over the world – but last Friday we recorded our episode on beers from the south of England and managed to hook up a live Skype link from the BeerCast HQ in Edinburgh to our London-based samplers. A good time was had all round, and you can listen for yourselves when we get to Episode 4. Hopefully in the future we’ll include more outposted members, although if we do a BeerCast with Edd in New Zealand someone’s going to be drinking rather early in the morning…

In the meantime, here’s a fantastic picture found by my Mum in Preston’s Harris Museum, showing archive footage of a BeerCast precursor. The photo is entitled “Unknown Men, Drinking (1890)” – and it shows that even 120yrs ago, there was time for groups of friends to gather together and talk about beer. As I said, within a week, you’ll hear our attempt. If you’d like to play along at home – here are the beers we’ll be trying…


  1. Dump Trucks
    May 29, 2007

    WordPress or Blogger, I just can’t decide. I want a blog for my site and see positives and negatives. I like what you have here and blogger’s free so maybe I should just go that route. Here’s my little site I’m gonna blog about Vehiclesh

  2. Richard
    May 29, 2007

    Piss off.

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