So…what are you drinking?
Welcome to The BeerCast! We’re here for your all your ale-related issues. A crack team of enthusiastic amateur drinkers (although Shovels is verging on the professional), brought together in The BeerCast HQ – a cosy velvet-couched pub with a wide selection of crisps, a free pool table, and a jukebox with absolutely no easy rock whatsoever. Or it might be all easy rock, I’ve no idea. We’re not here for such frivolity, we’re here to inform and amuse about the joys of beer. With this in mind, our HQ contains an unrivalled selection of pilsners, lagers and strange musty-smelling things with odd names. Come in and pull up a comfy stool and join our adventurous panellists as we…
– Bring you all the latest relevant Beer news
– Tempt you with our favourite recommendations
– Inform you of the location of outstanding pubs
– Controversially ‘out’ awful beers and terrible bars
– Attempt many corny gags and oneliners (unavoidable, I’m afraid)
– Work our way around the world, tasting-wise…
…which is where you come in. Along with the regular updates, every fortnight the panel will assemble and taste a selection of beers from a particular country or region. Each time we’ll give you notice, so you can join in at home, sampling them alongside us and pitting your views and opinions against ours. Will you agree? Will you be angered? Will our ‘mystery tasters’ be revealed?
First up, we’ll be sampling some of the many beers brewed in Scotland. Have a look in your favourite retailer – see how many Scottish ales you can get hold of. Nearer the time, we’ll let you know what specific beers we’ll be trying. Grooben has already been volunteered to drink Tennants…
April 4, 2007This blog’s great and all but man, I need a beer
April 5, 2007Indeed. 5 stars for Tennants…
April 9, 2007To be quite honest im not sure i’ll be able to source any Tennants over here. I can write a reviews from memory though…
Craig AS
April 12, 2007They’ve got McEwan’s in Montreal…
April 16, 2007Great – it saves us from drinking it. You’ll have to take one for the team, Craig…