BeerCast #1 Lineup

Posted by on Apr 26, 2007 in Uncategorized | One Comment

Alrighty, after an intense two hour production meeting this week, the lineup and format of BeerCast episode One has been finalised. Admittedly, that took five minutes and we then spent 1hr 55min playing with the amusing sound effects in GarageBand, but there you go. We quickly realised that testing nine beers would be nigh on impossible if we wanted to a) keep the podcast to under a couple of hours, and b) wanted to go to work the next morning. So we trimmed the list down slightly, to four beers. But fret not, for Episode 2 will be the other five – yes, Scotland has a two-parter.

Try and find the beers below and taste them along with the panel. If you’re in the UK, they are all available at branches of ASDA and Waitrose, along with possibly other supermarkets and specialist beer retailers. Elsewhere, try your local fancy liquor store, hypermarché, or bottle shop – hopefully some of these will have made it overseas. In the USA, affiliated retailers certainly stock Old Engine Oil, for example. Best of luck!

But it’s not just ales and lagers on the BeerCast. It’s been scientifically proven to be impossible to drink beer in a pub without the mind turning to snacks. After all, there’s only so much room it can slosh around in without something to soak it up. So inserted into each episode will be a specialist section on the humble bar snack, one per edition. We have an idea of a few to start with – but any suggestions of things to eat with beer are welcome – email us at the BeerCast address. Providing we can find some before Monday, we’re starting the (as yet un-named) segment with the most famous British beer drinking snack ever. Stay tuned.

BeerCast Episode 1 selection

1 Comment

  1. Richard
    April 30, 2007

    So – the first podcast has been recorded – MrB, Shovels and myself gamely ploughed through the four beers. A difference of opnion was seen for some – although all had trouble stomaching the beer snack. Stay tuned for the blog post revealing our thoughts, and some time after (hopefully not too long), episode 1 of the BeerCast…

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