The best IPA in Britain
This is, in truth, a post I’ve wanted to write for a long while. A list – my list – of the best IPA’s in Britain. The problem is, every time I sit down and riffle through the selection of names, there are more to consider. Another one arrives seemingly every week. The demand for […]
Best new beers of 2011…the best of the rest
List-making is par for the course at this time of year – which explains our recent flurry of posts detailing our favourite new British beers. The trouble with compiling lists, however, is that you can’t add everything (unless it’s one of those Channel 4 shows like ‘the best 100 children’s breakfast cereals’). Listing our six […]
Meantime, in sunny Greenwich…
We’ve had a bit of downtime on the BeerCast over the last week, as I’ve been in sunny London on a short break. Of course, while I was there I managed to fit in a spot of beery tourism alongside the more traditional kind – nowadays there’s no shortage of places to visit. The brewing […]
Lagerboy Speaks – Meantime Union
These days the primary style of European lager that reaches these shores is the all-conquering pilsner (either Bohemian or German). But back in the day there were others that came from the Continent – Muncheners and Viennese lagers that were popular before the light-coloured beer from Pilsen took over. Slightly darker and less hoppy, these […]
BeerCast #14 – London Beers
BeerCast #14 – London Beers. Once home to a thriving brewing scene, London has seen a decline in brewing over recent years. But there are still some who operate in (or near) the city. On this BeerCast we sample four ales from the British capital, in the company of Richard, Shovels and Grooben.
1. Young’s Special London Ale (6.4%)
2. Fullers London Porter (5.4%)
3. Meantime Chocolate Stout (6.5%)
4. Fullers Jack Frost (4.5%)
www.thebeercast.com thebeercast@gmail.com @thebeercast
BeerCast #9 – Christmas Special
BeerCast #9 – Christmas Special 2007. Merry Christmas from the BeerCast! Our festive panel sample four beers for the season, decked with tinsel and in front of a roaring fire. On the panel this time are Richard, Shovels, MrB and Grooben. Each beer comes from a different country, so we’re doing our bit to bring the world a bit closer at Christmas…
1. Meantime Winter Time (5.4%)
2. Erdinger Schneeweisse (5.6%)
3. Anchor Our Special Ale 2006 (5.5%)
4. Gordon Xmas (8.8%)
www.thebeercast.com thebeercast@gmail.com @thebeercast