How’s 2013 shaping up for you?
As we plough into the middle of May – already – this year is flying past quicker than ever. That could be down to the frigid beginnings; the unrelenting Arctic blasts didn’t abate until mid-April, and as we emerged blinking into the fine, misty rain like so many disaster movie survivors, it was to discover […]

Abstrakt thought – a vertical tasting
Three years ago this April, BrewDog released the first beer in their ‘concept’ Abstrakt range – AB:01. A 10.2% vanilla bean-infused Belgian-style quadrupel, we rather liked it at the time, naming it one of our best new beers of 2010. The first half of that particular year was an interesting one for the (then) Fraserburgh […]

Breweries to watch out for in 2013…
Last year, right at the beginning of January, we posted a list of breweries to watch out for in 2012. Looking back, our overall pick to take that next step (Tempest Brewing Co) really had a spectacular twelve months, and many of our other choices also produced some fantastic beer. Despite the pressures of the […]

BrewDog in Bristol
Hi folks, Andy here, the BeerCast’s chief non-beer beer drinker in chief. I’m most often to be found shoveling coal into the BeerCast’s servers and mending the website’s rss feeds with string, but recently i had the unexpected pleasure of being in Bristol for the opening of BrewDog’s newest bar and drinking some actual beer. […]

Scotland’s most overrated beers?
Last week, we brought you the five most underrated beers in Scotland – a post which generated a fair bit of debate, and resulted in several different breweries being mentioned (Kelburn, Fyne Ales and Williams Brothers all featuring highly). After posting, my mind turned to the other side of that equation – opinions should be […]

BrewDog’s Alternative Festival
BrewDog, ever the contrarians, have for the last couple of years hosted their own Edinburgh-based beer festival, timed to overlap with CAMRA’s Scottish Real Ale Festival. Last year, it served as a handy change of pace from the real ale jamboree occurring (literally) round the corner. I’m still not really sure if their Edinburgh based […]