A festival of BrewDog collaboration? Why times have changed…
When BrewDog announced, back in September, that they were planning a festival of beers made in collaboration with eleven different British breweries, it raised more than a few eyebrows. After all, back in 2009 when 5am Saint launched, they declared on the label “The UK beer scene is sick. And we are the fucking doctor.”* […]

Dead Metaphor Launches 17/10
Just a quick reminder – if you’d like to be amongst the first people to sample Dead Metaphor (and the first people in Scotland, certainly), it will be officially launched tomorrow night, Thursday 17th, at 7pm in BrewDog Edinburgh. Head down to the Cowgate and chat to me about the beer, the reasons behind it, […]

Ellon – a look around the new BrewDog brewery
Following the brewday that Rob from Hopzine.com and myself had been on last weekend at the original Fraserburgh plant, we then travelled the thirty miles or so to Ellon, for a look around the new BrewDog brewery. It’s instantly, hugely different. Despite being in a dip in the road, the external tanks become visible pretty […]

Dead Metaphor – a BrewDog brewday
It’s been a while since the last BeerCast brewday; those semi-regular occasions when I have to get up earlier than normal, try to remember what actually happens when beer is made, and end up clambering in and out of slippery, steaming metal containers. Looking back, it was actually six months since our trip up to […]

BrewDog pick a fight they can’t lose. Again
It’s been fairly quiet of late, up in Ellon. As in BrewDog have been quietly fitting out their enormous space-age brewery, quietly bringing outsourced operations back in house, and quietly releasing some impressive beers (Jackhammer, Hello my Name is Beastie). However – and stop me if you’ve heard this before – the other day they […]

Breweries to Watch 2013 – five months on…
At the beginning of January, just as the year started, I posted a list of British breweries to watch out for in 2013. Despite the ongoing financial pressures, the scene here is flourishing – more breweries are opening now than ever (in living memory, at least). Having said that, it’s still a tough industry in […]