Smoke, mirrors and Trappist beer
It is because of Cantillon. The ultimate in brewery tourism, Brasserie Cantillon in Brussels is everything a brewery should be – one visit and you’ll remember it for the rest of your life – even more so if it’s the first time you tried Lambic. Cantillon is easy to get to, being a fairly short […]

Global Bars, Part 3 – WohnZimmer
Photo of Wohnzimmer interior from Les Amis de l’apero, used with permission The slow stroll-past; one of the definitive moves of holiday drinking. Focus on a likely target, about which you know nothing, and decelerate to an overseas amble – the kind of pace never adopted at home, under any circumstances. But deployed on holiday, […]

Global Bars, Part 2 – Buza (I and II)
‘NO Topless, NO Nudist’ says the graffiti, fading but still visibly painted on the back wall of a tightly-curving passage. It seems as if it is there to deter the boys playing kickabout in the small square from craning their necks to the corner to have a peep. But they know there’s nothing interesting to […]

Global Bars, Part 1 – Cocktails with the Oystermen
Tucked away, like an afterthought, at the very bottom of New Zealand’s two main islands is a third; a small triangle of land butting out from the rounded base of the South Island like a tiny pectoral fin. The Maori believe it to be the anchor of their lands – literally – as it held […]

Global Bars; a travel special
A fresh-faced wharf rat, 2004 Before I somehow fell into writing about beer, back in the day, more than anything else I wanted to be a travel writer. Well; more than anything else I wanted to be Hal and Roger Hunt’s third brother, partaking in their animal-chasing Adventures in exotic places.* I used to pore […]