Edinburgh Beer Weekly 25/01 – 31/01
Welcome to the latest Edinburgh Beer Weekly! Every Sunday I’ll be posting a preview of all the beery happenings in the city for the next seven days – so you won’t miss a thing. You can sign up to the subscription service, ensuring you’ll get a notification every Sunday when the Edinburgh Beer Weekly is published. Just enter your email address in the panel on our front page. Also, follow me on Twitter (@thebeercast) to keep right up to date throughout the week. There are so many great beery things going on at the moment – stay tuned to the BeerCast, and enjoy each and every one of them!
So, what’s happening in the Edinburgh beer scene over the next seven days?
Monday 25th
Wild Beer Co. Meet the Brewer
Spit/Fire, 26B Dublin St / The Hanging Bat, 133 Lothian Rd
Further Information / Tickets available here (£15)
The week kicks off with something that is becoming a January tradition – a chance to hear from the founders of Wild Beer Co (and drink their beers). Unlike in previous years, the event has been split in two with an early installment at Spit/Fire (6:15pm) and a later one at the Hanging Bat (8:30pm). Each event will see five different beers on offer, with the chance to wander up from the New Town in between, where at the Hanging Bat you’ll find a full board of Wild Beer Co’s amazing beers – check the link above for the beers on offer. Amazingly, there are still tickets left for both events!
Monday 25th 8:00pm
Burns Night at Appellation
Appellation Wines, 43 Dalry Road
Appellation Wines website tickets £10
As you probably know, the 25th is Burns Night, and also to begin the week, Appellation Wines Dalry branch are hosting their own celebration of the birthday of the bard. On offer – three Scottish beers and three Scottish malt whiskys – which will go best with each? Head along to Dalry and find out. Extra top-ups for any recitals of the great man’s poems.
Tuesday 26th [to February 7th]
Bow Bar Winter Beer Festival
The Bow Bar, 80 West Bow
Full Beer List
The next evening, one of the standout calendar events on the Edinburgh beer scene begins – the Bow Bar Winter Beer Festival. Mike and the team always assemble an unmissable selection of beers for their festivals, and this one will be no different, with treats appearing on the tall fonts from breweries around the UK, as well as further afield. Keep an eye on the Twitter feed for what’s on, when. Or just turn up. Either will work.
Wednesday 27th
Summer Wine Tap Takeover
The Stockbridge Tap, 2-6 Raeburn Place
Stockbridge Tap Twitter Feed / Summer Wine Twitter Feed
Midweek sees another can’t-miss event, as Yorkshire’s finest, Summer Wine Brew Co arrive in town with seven cask and two kegs beers, pouring from the current Scottish Pub of the Year, the Stockbridge Tap. If that’s isn’t enough to get you out on a Wednesday night, the beers on offer will be Resistance, Valencia, Stateside, Wingman, Teleporter, Oregon, Redwood, Mokko (and on Keg) Suckerpunch and Pacer. Get there early, and say hi to the guys from one of the best breweries in the country.
Thursday 28th 8:00pm
Dubbels, Tripels and Quads at Appellation CB
Appellation Wines, Comely Bank Road
Appellation Wines website tickets £10
This week sees a second tasting hosted by Appellation Wines, and fittingly it revolves around Dubbles (and also their higher-gravity cousins). Belgian beer is a fascinating world, but can be hard to get into – so the Comely Bank team are ready and waiting with tangy Tripels and malt-forward Quads to get your tastebuds around, and to answer your Belgian brewing queries!
The Edinburgh Beer Weekly will be published every Sunday here on the BeerCast. If you have an event in or around the city that you’d like to feature – please get in touch at the usual email address. Cheers!
John Priddy
January 28, 2016My wife and I are making our first trip to Scotland in August of this year. We’d love to tour as many breweries as possible in addtion to getting a feel for the people and culture. Are there beer tours or a listing of have to visit breweries you would recommend? we’re staying in Edinburgh.
January 31, 2016I’ll send you an email John 🙂