The 10 Commandments of Meet the Brewer events
Thou shall wear brewery branded gear so people know who you are
Thou shall introduce yourself first, giving a brief speech to the drinkers in the pub
Thou shall have prize draws, competitions, giveaways; maintaining interest on the night
Thou shall give out leaflets or information; the aim is to spread the word about you, after all
Thou shall look hopeful and pleasant throughout. Leave the glowering to the draymen
Thou shalt not stand in one place all night, chatting to the same people
Thou shalt not use it as a chance to catch up with old friends; it’s for making new ones
Thou shalt not use the occasion to disparage competitors; even if true, it sounds petty
Thou shalt not worry about disinterested regulars, they’ll get over it
Thou shalt not stand on the bar if thou can’t get back down again…
June 13, 2013I’ve been to a few MTB events and number 6 is the most annoying one. Fucking brewers only bothering to stand there chatting to people they already know. It really annoys me.
There was one I went to – I don’t wanna be a prick and name names – but I was flat out ignored by the brewer several times then when they finally spoke to me it was only to ask why I was trying to talk to them.
What a prick.
Elspeth Payne
June 13, 2013Funny! But solid, practical reminders of How To Succeed at these things.
June 13, 2013Sounds like a great way to gain custom, Nate. I’m sure that brewer will go far