BeerCast #35 – Not just any BeerCast…

Jul 4, 2009
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BeerCast #35 – Not just any BeerCast. Our London panel take to the airwaves once again, having sourced some of the ‘own brand’ ales from Marks & Spencer. Brewed by some of the top producers in the country, these are badged as M&S ales and sold all over the country. Joining Andy and Jess are BeerCast first timers Nick and Kat. Unfortunately for an anchor, Andy was a touch far from the mic – but he is there!

1. M&S Buckinghamshire Ale (4.6%)
2. M&S Cornish IPA (5.0%)
3. M&S Yorkshire Bitter (4.6%)
4. M&S Organic Ale (6.0%) @thebeercast