The best drink I ever had

The best drink I ever had

May 29, 2013
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As I’ve said plenty of times before, enjoying beer is very often all about context. The right inspiration, company or location makes all the difference, and often overshadows completely what you’re actually drinking. For instance, although the best beer I’ve ever had was Staminee de Garre’s house Tripel in Bruges, it was bettered by the […]

Will annual beer releases be the next big thing?

Will annual beer releases be the next big thing?

May 24, 2013

The other day, whilst drinking the beer pictured above, a thought occurred to me. Actually, several did, one of which being that it tasted like a container of tropical fruit dropped into a burning pine forest. Another, that thanks to the rise of blogs I feel less self-conscious taking photos of beers these days (although, […]

It’s 5pm somewhere…

It’s 5pm somewhere…

May 16, 2013
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After much searching and lengthy experimentation, I think I’ve finally found it:- the perfect after-work beer. The pint that doesn’t just hit the spot, but completely envelops it in comforting, punch-out-at-five-pm perfection. There’s an argument, of course, that any beer sunk immediately after finishing work is the best one – but although I can see […]

How’s 2013 shaping up for you?

How’s 2013 shaping up for you?

May 10, 2013
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As we plough into the middle of May – already – this year is flying past quicker than ever. That could be down to the frigid beginnings; the unrelenting Arctic blasts didn’t abate until mid-April, and as we emerged blinking into the fine, misty rain like so many disaster movie survivors, it was to discover […]

The Mystery Bottle

The Mystery Bottle

May 8, 2013
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Time. It may be a great healer, but it sure pays havoc with the old grey matter. Recently, in moving house, my elegantly sorted and ordered beer cellar had to be transplanted to the new location. Boxing up the fifty or so bottled beers I’ve got wasn’t too much of a hardship – thankfully everything […]

I drink too much, apparently – do you?

I drink too much, apparently – do you?

Apr 25, 2013

I may be in the minority of British alcohol-users, in that I can reel off the recommended drinking levels for adults in the UK; no more than 21 units/wk for men, 14 units/wk for women. The recommendation also follows that there should be at least two ‘alcohol free’ days in each seven (apparently, consecutive mornings […]

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